Shift to Tasty, Practical & Nutritious Eating

In Just 1 Month

For Healthy Weight, Ageing, & Longevity

Perhaps you struggle to eat healthily because you’re always...

  • Short on time and too busy to think about your food choices

  • Dieting so you no longer know what’s healthy

  • Catering to your family's or clients tastebuds rather than your own

  • So tired, it’s hard to make sensible food choices

  • Confused about what and how much food you should be eating

Ready to easily embed healthy eating into your life, without the hassle of thinking or planning?

My 4-week 'Done For You' Method has got your back.

Over the next 4 weeks?

You know you need to change your food choices because you’ve…

  • Put on weight and feel uncomfortable about it

  • Had a lot of bugs and colds and feel run down

  • Noticed mood swings, anxiety, brain fog, tiredness or low energy

  • Felt physical niggles such as headaches, hot flushes, joint pain, or tummy troubles

  • Struggled to sleep well

  • Been constantly hungry and leaning on snacks

This eating method will help you!

Welcome to the Happy Health Method

Picture a you that's confident you're nourishing your body with the right foods, eliminating the need for constant worry about your diet.

A you that experiences a sense of satisfaction between meals, free from the habit of constant grazing and the concerns of gaining unwanted weight.

Imagine a peaceful night's sleep, undisturbed and rejuvenating, leading to refreshed mornings.

Envision a you that feels comfortable in your own skin, liberated from restrictive diets.

Picture a version of yourself that never needs to apologise for mood swings, even during challenging menstrual cycles.

A you that remains resilient against bugs and illness, ensuring you stay healthy and vibrant.

The Happy Health Method allows you to rediscover a sense of well-being and feel good in yourself.

And why shouldn't you have all this?

How Happy Health Works

Navigating through a sea of misleading health information in today's world can be a daunting task.

This is precisely why an increasing number of women have embraced the Mediterranean way of eating as a foundation for nutritious habits.

The Happy Health method is rooted in this proven approach.

Embracing eating for Happy Health doesn't mean adhering to a restrictive, trendy diet.

Instead, it revolves around adopting a dietary pattern inspired by the time-honoured eating practices of populations in Mediterranean countries like Greece, Italy, and Spain.

This 4-week method will guide you to seamlessly incorporate the practical and easy-to-follow Mediterranean way of eating into your lifestyle.

So you can...

  • Enjoy boundless energy, enabling you to accomplish more throughout your day

  • Focus on your daily priorities, knowing your health is taken care of

  • Think clearly, and make better decisions with a clear and focused mind

Over the next month you'll...

Eat a rainbow of real, whole foods, that are naturally healthy, nutrient rich and good for you

Enjoy variety on your plate, so you never get bored of what you’re eating

Have all your daily meals mapped out, so you don’t have to think about what’s for breakfast, lunch or dinner

Know exactly what to order for your weekly food shop, saving you time and head space

Make meal prep a doddle, so you never end up half starved and making bad food choices

Stress Coach Yourself and give your whole body a tune up:

  • Increased energy levels

  • Better mood and mental clarity

  • Quality sleep

  • Improved digestion

  • Easier weight management

" Get your nutrition sorted. Boost your health. It’s time to eat right."

Carrie (The Stress Coach)

Included in Happy Health

30 Recipes

For ambitious women on the move, life is always in the fast lane, isn't it?

That's where these recipes come in as our undercover ally, offering straightforward ingredients, packed with antioxidants and essential nutrients, along with calorie and macro breakdowns.

Say goodbye to the dilemma of deciding what to have for breakfast, lunch, or dinner during a bustling week. See a sample of the recipes here.

4 Weeks of Meal Plans & Shopping Lists

In the whirlwind of life, meal planning can be a daunting task.

That's where these weekly shopping lists and meal plans, featuring recipes from the recipe pack, step in to save the day.

When your days are a hustle, having a clear dinner plan becomes a game-changer.

These plans go beyond time-saving - they're all about restoring your sanity.

4 Weeks of Meal Prep Plans

Stay one step ahead in meal preparation, ensuring you're never left hungry.

Life can become seriously chaotic, especially for women managing a multitude of tasks simultaneously.

This is where the provided meal prep plans come in as a game-changer.

They enable you to savour genuine, home-cooked meals, even on your most hectic days.

You'll also receive these Bonuses!

Healthy Travel Eating Guide

Embarking on a journey? Discover the ultimate guide to the finest healthy travel snacks and practical tips for maintaining a clean eating routine during your holiday. This comprehensive guide covers everything from navigating airport food options to offering valuable tips for dining out while on your break. Know how to prep travel-friendly snacks, to keep on track with your nutritional goals wherever your travels take you.

Healthy Travel Eating Guide

Guilt Free Eating Out Guide

Got dinner plans? Say hello to my guilt-free eating out guide – your practical sidekick for keeping it healthy while dining out. It's like having a wise companion spill the secrets on enjoying restaurant meals without the nagging guilt. From decoding menus to sussing out the healthiest options, this guide keeps things straightforward and real. No need to stress about your choices – this is your insider's guide to dining out without sacrificing your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

guilt Free Eating Out

How to Read Food Labels Guide

Ever feel puzzled by food labels? You're not alone. It's a jungle out there, with products making all sorts of health claims to reel you in. But just because something screams "natural" or "healthy" doesn't mean it's the real deal. My guide spills the beans on how to sift through the marketing noise, so you're not left scratching your head in the supermarket. Don't be fooled – arm yourself with the knowledge to separate junk from the good stuff when navigating those labels.

How to Read food labels

Gratitude Attitude Mini eBook

Start your gratitude journey today with a simple yet powerful guide. This mini ebook offers straightforward steps to effortlessly introduce gratitude into your life. No need for grand gestures - just a few mindful moments each day. Embrace the power of appreciating the little joys, even amidst the chaos. Let "Gratitude Attitude" be your companion on the journey to a more positive and fulfilling life, showing you that a thankful heart is the key to happiness.

Gratitude Mini eBook

Meditation Mini Guide & Audio

Discover the power of meditation for making healthy eating choices with a beginner-friendly guide and guided meditation audio. Meditation is your passport to a calmer mind and a healthier relationship with food, offering a peaceful sanctuary from stress. Start your journey to healthful eating today.

Gratitude Mini eBook

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this eating plan suitable for?

Omnivores. This plan features fish and meat.

How will it help me?

This method is based on the Mediterranean way of eating which has been associated with numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers.

It emphasises a high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, such as olive oil and nuts, while limiting red meat and processed foods.

The eating plan focuses on overall health, promoting healthy ageing, longevity and supporting weight management.

What will I be eating?

Abundant servings of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

With moderate consumption of poultry, fish and dairy.

While minimising processed foods and red meat.

How long does the method last?

The method lasts for 4 weeks.

However, you can repeat it.

I'd advise you to take a little bit of time before starting the plan to get yourself prepared. For example, reading through the materials and shopping for ingredients.

This will ensure you're set up for success.

When will I feel the results?

Everyone responds differently, so it is hard to say for definite. Some people have noticed they feel good within a few days but it could take weeks before you notice a change.

How is the Happy Health Method delivered?

You'll be provided with access to an online platform where you'll find all the materials you need for the 4 week method including videos and written guides.

Is this a weight loss plan?

Whilst this method isn't focused on losing weight, it could certainly support this!

The Mediterranean way of eating has been associated with weight loss and weight management.

Its emphasis on whole, nutrient-dense foods, along with healthy fats, promotes satiety and helps control calorie intake.

Additionally, it encourages a balanced and sustainable approach to eating, making it conducive to long-term weight maintenance.

Regular physical activity, a component often associated with the Mediterranean lifestyle, further contributes to its effectiveness in supporting weight loss.

Who should avoid this method?

While this method is generally considered to be a healthy and balanced eating pattern suitable for most people, there may be certain individuals who should exercise caution or consider modifications. For example:

1. Allergies, intolerances or sensitivities: Individuals with specific food allergies, intolerances or sensitivities should tailor the method to their needs, substituting items as necessary.

2. Medical conditions: People with certain medical conditions may need to adjust their intake of certain foods.

3. Individual dietary preferences: Some people may have personal dietary preferences or restrictions that make it challenging to adhere to the Mediterranean way of eating. It's important to choose a diet that aligns with individual tastes and cultural considerations.

4. Specific weight loss goals: While the Mediterranean way of eating can support weight loss for many, those with specific weight loss goals may need to pay attention to portion sizes and caloric intake.

Always consult with a healthcare professional or registered nutritionist before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions or specific dietary needs.

Your Happy Health Method at a Glance

  • 30 x nutritious and quick breakfast, lunch & dinner recipes

  • 4 x weekly meal plans - to save you time

  • 4 x weekly shopping lists - to organise your week

  • 4 x weekly meal prep guides - to get ahead

  • Video and written guidance - with all the support you need

  • Lifetime access - always here for you, even as life changes

  • A community of women you can reach out to for support

Eat The Mediterranean way!

EAT RIGHT & Feel Better



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